Feral Colony Project
Broken Hearts Rescue is dedicated to helping the community try to manage the number of feral cats through our Feral Colony Project. The need for this help is huge in the Magic Valley, and though our primary focus is to save and find forever families for domesticated cats and dogs, BHR has seen this need, and we have been reaching out to help one colony at a time as funding and time permits.
We have had a lot of people ask if we can help with feral colonies near them in the last several months, and unfortunately it is impossible to take them all on. So we are opening up an application for one feral colony for the 2022 year. Please read through the application carefully and fill out as much information as you can.
We could also use help raising money for the Feral Colony project. Please contact us if you know of funding we can apply for or, if you would like to donate to BHR's Feral Colony Project, please follow the link below.